When the demolition of the garden box happened, one of the casualties of the destruction was the garden arbor. This 4-posted structure was capped with a pagoda-esque top and its lattice sides was home to a rather persistent wisteria.
The garden arbor and its gate would need to be rebuilt and anchored to the garden box.
Becky made an offhand comment, “It’s too bad you can’t make it look like a TARDIS.”
“Oh yeah? Challenge accepted!”
It looks cool in the dark…
Now, let’s start building the side arbor…
It needs the Police Public Call Box signage. Three of the signs are installed normally.
The fourth sign is actually installed in reverse … as though you are on the inside of the TARDIS looking out… The entire garden is the “inside” of the TARDIS. (It’s bigger on the inside!)
As an arbor, we could have stopped here. But it’s also the gate to the garden, so the next step is to build TARDIS’ front doors…
It needs a splash of color!
Next, there were a couple logistical things. First, it’s still an arbor, so we need the sides to be open with some form of screening to keep critters out of the garden. But second we decided to fill in all the front door panels to make it more aesthetically pleasing for photo opportunities. And finally, it is a police box, so we need to make sure the telephone door panel opens.
Final Walkaround…
And of course, it’s still coolest in the dark…
Related Project: Garden Box