Act 1 – Cat People ( “So I kick the shit out of Wil…” )
Our story opens with a roomful of slumbering people, in a house that is about to confront deadly peril. Jay and Raymond are the only party members who haven’t succumbed to the sleeping drug in the party’s lunch. Enrique and Maria Borges are awake as well, quite alarmed at their unexpected benefactors suddenly falling asleep on their floor. A sudden knock on the door, breaks the silence…
DOOR: * Knock * Knock *
Enrique and Maria suddenly go pale and clutch each other tightly. Jay looks at the front door, then back at his hosts, then back at the door.
JAY: “Aren’t you going to answer that?”
ENRIQUE: “No Señor. Nobody answers doors anymore in Piste.”
DOOR: * Knock * Knock * Knock *
Jay checks the ammunition in his pistol, and then replaces his mechanical hand with the chainsaw.
JAY: “Okay, I’ll get it.”
ENRIQUE: “No Señor! Please do not. You never know what will be on the other side.”
Neal: “Go ahead and open it, Ben. You’re always anxious to turn us over to your Dark Lord buddies.”
Ben: “If I were you Neal, I’d keep your mouth shut. After all, you are pretty helpless right now.”
Neal: “Oh really. What can you do to me? Huh, tough guy? What are you gonna do?”
Ben: “I walk over and kick Neal.”
GM: “Roll for a hit location….that’s the right arm. Neal, you take a point.”
Neal: “Oooh…that hurt.”
Ben: “Can I pick him up toss him around a little?”
GM: “If you want. Make a strength roll first…oh, nope you fail to pick him up.”
Ben: “I try again.
Ben: “Oh…I have an idea. I pick him up and use him for a shield against whatever is outside…that is, unless the GM isn’t going to let me do that.”
GM: “You can do whatever you want, but they already don’t trust you. This isn’t going to help your credibility much.”
ENRIQUE: “Señor! What are you doing, that man is your friend!”
JAY: “Shut up, Enrico. I’m going to save you from the boogie-man.”
Enrique reaches behind the kitchen door and pulls out his shotgun.
ENRIQUE: “That man is a guest in my house Señor. I will no let you hurt him this way.”
JAY: (Holding Wil’s limp body in front of him as a shield) “What are you going to do. Shoot me?”
Enrique’s response is the discharge of his gun. The buckshot blast is at close range and hits Jay’s right arm. This causes some minor damage to the chainsaw. Jay’s response is to attempt to fling Wil’s body at Enrique. Wil’s foot gets hooked around Jay’s leg, and instead of flying toward Enrique, Wil flops uselessly to the ground.
GM: “You’re wide open Ben.”
Ben: “I diving blow Enrique.”
Jay flings himself at Enrique, bearing the smaller man to the ground.”
ENRIQUE: “Is this how you repay my hospitality!”
Enrique tries to struggle to bring the shotgun to bear on Jay. Jay responds by using the chainsaw to gut Enrique like a fish. Jay suddenly feels a sharp blow across the back of the head. Maria, in a vain attempt to rescue her husband has struck Jay with a fireplace poker. The metal rod bounces harmlessly off Jay’s armor-plated head. The cyborg whirls on her and strangles her to unconsciousness.
Neal: “Way to go, you Dark Berserker.”
Ben: “Shut up Neal, or I’ll do this to you…”
Jay flings Maria’s limp body crashing through the glass of the front window as a distraction and opens the front door. The Jaguar-Were standing at the door is taken completely by surprise and Jay opens fire. The second Jaguar-Were jumps in through the now-open window and engages Raymond in Melee combat. The other two Jaguar-Weres, as Jay hoped, were distracted by Maria’s body.
Although caught off guard, the Jaguar-Were facing Jay recovers quickly, and the two exchange blows. Jay dispatches the first Jaguar-Were, just as one of the two remaining Jaguar-Weres from outside leaps into the fray. As Jay begins combat, he hears cries for help from Raymond inside. The second cat-person takes advantage of Jay’s distraction, and quickly retreats. Jay turns back inside. Raymond is laying on the floor, grappling with a larger Jaguar-Were which sits straddling his chest.
RAYMOND: “What you waiting for! Shoot him!”
Jay fires point blank into Raymond’s attacker’s head. The Jaguar-Were responds by falling, quite dead, across Raymond’s chest.
RAYMOND: “Ooof. Don’t just stand there! Help me up.”
Jay pulls the cat-person off the gargoyle. Raymond jumps to his feet, and looks nervously around the room.”
RAYMOND: “Boy. You really screwed that one up.”
JAY: “I just saved your butt!”
RAYMOND: “Oh sure…you save who you want to save!”
JAY: Where the hell were you during that fight, anyway?”
RAYMOND: “I was hiding under sofa! Had no idea who you turn on next!”
JAY: (menacingly) “Listen…”
RAYMOND: “No! You hurt these people! What wrong with you?”
Jay growls and leaps forward to grab the little gargoyle. To his surprise, his hands close on empty air. The computer tracking system crosshairs leap nimbly to follow Raymond’s dodge.
JAY: “Oh sure! you can dodge me, but couldn’t take out one cat-thing!”
RAYMOND: “I told you. I hide under sofa. That thing came through window and land on me!”
JAY: “Bullshit! You’re lying. I think you’ve lied to us from the very beginning.”
RAYMOND: “Raymond tell you everything! Raymond not the one gutting people like fish!”
Raymond turns away and stalks outside.
RAYMOND: “Hey! What happen to woman!?”
JAY: “I guess the fourth cat-thing dragged her away.”
Raymond shakes his head with disgust and returns to the fallen party members. He shakes each of them in turn, trying to wake them up.
Within a half-hour, they are able to revive the entire group.
ENISE: “What happened to Enrique?”
JAY: “Uh…a Cat-thing got him.”
ENISE: “These don’t look like claw marks…they look more like…your chainsaw made them.”
WIL: “How come I feel like somebody kicked the shit out of me?”
THANN: “How did they get in?”
JAY: “Oh…they came crashing through the window.”
THANN: “Then how come all the glass is outside?”
JAY: “Okay…this is how it happened, see? The jaguar things came to the door, and Enrique tried to let them in…he was in on it, see? And so, I had to kill him. Then a jaguar thing punched through the glass and grabbed Maria, dragging her outside, smashing the window out…yeah, that’s it. I went to the door, kicking Wil out of harms way as I went. I then fought off two more cat-dudes, while another jumped inside and attacked Raymond. When I finished outside, I helped Raymond out too. By the time I got back outside, they had already dragged Maria away.”
RAYMOND: (sneering) “Wow. You real hero.”
ENISE: “Is that what happened, Raymond?”
The gargoyle looks down at his feet and kicks his heel against the floor, looks up at Jay, then back down at the floor.
RAYMOND: “Me hide under sofa. Raymond not sure what happen.”
After a few minutes, it occurred to the party to try to figure out what had made them pass out. It didn’t take long to guess that the lunch was poisoned.
THANN: “I think we should back to that hotel and have a little chat with Gomez.”
Act 2 – Hotel Pyriamide Chichen ( “Gosh, I sure am tired…no really!” )
Arriving at the Hotel Pyriamide Chichen is an uneventful experience. While everyone else waits at the front desk for Gomez to show his face, Thann and Raymond go to confront the cook. The cook sees them enter the room and runs toward them, brandishing his spatula.
COOK: “Get out! You no come in here.”
THANN: “All right pal. What did you put in our food?”
COOK: “I did nothing. Get out of here!”
RAYMOND: “He not have to spike food. Conditions in this kitchen bad enough for anything to grow in there.”
COOK: “You insult my kitchen! You get out of here, right now!”
Raymond rushes forward, grabs the cook by the collar, and stares at him with large yellow eyes. The cook, drops his spatula in surprise.
RAYMOND: “What did you put in our food. I get tired of asking.”
THANN: “I’d answer him if I were you. He’s awfully strong for his size.”
COOK: “I…I…I only did what Gomez asked.”
THANN: “I figured that part out already. Raymond, I think his memory needs jogging.”
Raymond’s bony fist tightens on the cook’s collar.
COOK: “No! Per Favor…Please…it was only sleeping powder. Just to make you sleep a little while. So, you would get a room in the hotel.”
John: “So…he wants us to get a room…eh?”
THANN: “Raymond, I think we’ve learned all we need to know. I’m suddenly feeling very tired.”
RAYMOND: “Oh no…not again.”
THANN: “Don’t worry Raymond. Just put the nice man down, and we’ll get a couple of rooms upstairs.”
When Gomez finally comes to the front desk, he looks slightly surprised to see the party. For some reason, he glances nervously at his watch.
THANN: “My friends and I suddenly find ourselves very fatigued. We would like to procure lodgings”
Gomez brightens immediately.
GOMEZ: “Of course. I have two very nice air-conditioned rooms on the second floor.”
The two rooms are indeed air-conditioned, but are unfortunately, located on opposite sides of the hotel. The group decides to split up the rooms by sex, with all the guys in one room, and the girls in the other room…with Raymond. Then, drawing the shades and waiting in the darkened rooms, the players prepare for ambush.
They didn’t have long to wait. Within fifteen minutes, there came a restless tapping on the guys’ room door:
MAID: ( * Tap * Tap * Tap * ) “Señores…Esta maid.”
Baboon and Thann nod to each other, and then to the rest of the men. Everyone remains silent.
MAID: “Es maid, Señores”
A moment later, the tapping is replaced by the sound of a pass-key in the lock, and the door swings open. The maid stands framed by the hall door, and behind her are three Jaguar-Weres.
Baboon reacts first by grabbing the maid, and dragging her into the room, and out of the way. Jay leaps into action next, with a diving blow at the first cat-dude. His attack succeeds so well, that he decides to continue the arcing path of his blow into a second jaguar. Unfortunately, his luck does not hold, and he overshoots the others, crashing into the far wall. The wall gives way under his weight, and he passes directly through it into the second floor of the stairwell. Finding himself suddenly sans floor, Jay proceeds to do what comes naturally…that is…fall to the steps one floor below. These steps, he also crashes down through and lands in a stunned heap in the rubble of the first-floor stair landing. Thann and Wil, realizing that Jay is no longer in the line of fire, open up on the two remaining cats.
Meanwhile, at the other end of the hotel, the women are interrupted from their vigil by a soft knock.
GOMEZ: ( * Tap * Tap * Tap *) “Señoras…Esta Gomez.”
Gomez is similarly accompanied by four Jaguar-Weres. Enise aims and fires the alien death-ray as the first two cats come through the door. The wide-angle beam of the weapon disintegrates three of the four weres on the spot. A cry of surprise from the hallway precedes the sound of running feet. Gomez and the fourth jaguar are retreating.
Becky: “Hey! Someone is finally running away from me!”
Deciding that she likes the idea of having an enemy flee in fear, Enise jumps to her feet and chases them down the hall.
The inevitable convergence of the groups took place at the top of the stairs. The guys came out of their room, dragging the maid. Gomez, racing headlong down the hallway, suddenly leans back on the heals of his shoes and starts skidding to a stop. The cat behind him, unprepared for the sudden change in Gomezes trajectory, runs into the hotel manager and the two of them slide to a stop in front of Jay, who suddenly appears at the top of the stairs with the cook in tow. Finally, the women join the party.
JAY: “Okay, Gomez. What’s with the ambush.”
GOMEZ: “If I were you, I would leave Piste.”
THANN: “If I were you, Gomez, I would cooperate. My friend here, has a nasty temper.”
GOMEZ: “You cannot frighten me. I have the power of the old gods on my side. The old ones are returning, and those who follow Tepeyet will be among the rewarded.”
JAY: “The old ones are coming here?”
GOMEZ: “To the temple of Kukulcan. The final ceremonies will herald their return.”
THANN: “So, we go the temple.”
Suddenly the relative silence of the hallway is broken by a chiming sound coming from Maggie’s backpack. She rustles around inside, finding the source of the sound…the satellite tracking device.
MAGGIE: “I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere for another hour. The satellite is powering up for another burst.”
ENISE: “What kind of shelter do we need?”
MAGGIE: “This building is constructed of clay bricks. It should provide ample protection for the short amount of time we’ll be here.”
Neal: “If we’re going to be stuck inside, I want to try opening a portal home.”
GM: “Okay…if that’s what you want…”
Ben: “And no funny stuff. If he rolls it, you better let him succeed…even if it means screwing up your plans.”
GM: “Don’t worry, Ben. If he rolls well enough, I have every intention of honoring his wish.”
Neal rolls a one…An outstanding success. The players scream with surprise and glee.
A tear in the fabric of the very air in front of Wil suddenly appears. This takes everyone by surprise. Wil quickly recovers and dives into the portal. Thann and Meeho are close behind. Enise hesitates for a moment, but Jay grabs her arm and leads her into the breach. Baboon follows next. SaraLynn and Ecco look nervously between each other and the portal.
SARALYNN: “We have no way of knowing if that portal goes where they think it goes.”
ECCO: “No…we don’t”
SARALYNN: “Maybe we should go too.”
ECCO: “If it does go where they think it goes, then I’m not sure I would want to follow.”
SARALYNN: “Oh…I don’t know. On the one hand I don’t want to do anything foolish that could get me killed, but on the other hand, I think I should be following Jay’s lead. But then again, he hasn’t been very trustworthy lately…”
All speculation is cut short as the portal slams shut, leaving SaraLynn, Ecco and Maggie behind…
Act 3 – Back to the Future ( “Ooops, who left the Dark Conspiracy running…” )
The adventurers are clearly disappointed by the world on the other side of Wil’s portal. The area looks exactly like the jungle surrounding Piste, with the exception that there is no sign of the hotel…or for that matter, the town itself! The group is standing on sandy ground. The trees around them are blowing in the wind, yet it is a wind they cannot feel or hear. The sky is an unusual shade of aqua, and white fluffy clouds drift swiftly across it The sky darkens and the stars above become visible. The stars however, are clearly arcing across the dome of the sky, giving the players the impression that they are standing within a large rotating ball. The moon jumps up from beneath the horizon and arches over their heads. Before sinking beneath the far horizon, the sky suddenly brightens and the sun explodes in the east, accelerating into the sky.
JAY: “Wil! What the hell did you do.”
WIL: “I don’t have a clue.”
Again, the silent wind comes, bowing the trees over and sending the clouds speeding across the sky. A bolt of lightning strikes several miles to the south-east, lighting up their surroundings with a brilliant blue-white flash. And then the sky begins to darken once more. This time the sky is overcast, preventing them from watching the stars, but allowing the dim glow of the traveling moon to light the clouds overhead.
THANN: “This definitely isn’t home.”
BABOON: “No…definitely not.”
The sun rises in the east and the cloud cover clears. The sky retains the sickly green hue. Jay tries walking toward one of the trees, holding out his hand, as if feeling for the wind. Within five feet of his starting point, he begins to slow down. A look of strain appears on his face, and he leans impossibly forward…a grotesque mime walking against the wind.
JAY: “I can’t get passed it! There’s a barrier of some kind.”
The group fans out, discovering that the invisible wall encloses them in a ten-foot circle. Jay reaches up at the edges of the wall, and discovers that the barrier arches over their heads, like an invisible glass dome. Then, digging into the soft sand, he discovers it extends below them as well.
WIL: “It’s a bubble…we’re caught in a bubble.”
The sun travels across the sky and sets abruptly in the west, plunging them once more into darkness.
This time, the stars move much more quickly. The path of the moon appears to be lower on the horizon this time, and the moon sets completely before the sun rises again.
ENISE: “Is it my imagination, or do the days appear to be getting shorter?”
WIL: “We appear to be accelerating.”
Indeed, they are. The cycles of night and day grow steadily shorter. Now an entire day passes in less than a minute.
MEEHO: “Where are we going, Wil?”
WIL: “Forward. Maybe we were displaced in time as well as space.”
Entire days begin to pass within a few seconds…appearing more as long flashes of light than individual days. The stars lose their characteristic individuality and take on the form of lines streaking across the sky. With each passing “day”, several star streaks appear to grow brighter than the rest.
THANN: “What the hell…”
The world around them flickers in a brilliant red, and then the normal flickering resumes. By this time, the flashes are occurring quickly enough that the world around them glows with a nauseating half-glow.
Ben: “I’m not staying cooped up in this bubble forever. I try to force just the chainsaw-hand through the barrier.”
GM: “Are you sure you want to do that?”
Ben: “Stop it with the hints of doom already…I’m not falling for it.”
Jay pushes up against the soft restraint of the barrier and forces the tip of the chainsaw outward. The chainsaw inches forward until it appears to clear the outer edge of the barrier. The tip of the blade immediately turns to a dull blackened finish.
Ben: “Hmm…that’s odd. I give it a few experimental revs.”
John: “Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
Jay activates the chainsaw motor. The chain rotates unevenly, alternately binding and accelerating until the chain gives up and snaps cleanly in two.
Ben: “Damn!”
GM: “Good thing you took the hint.”
ENISE: “Hey look at the trees!”
The trees around them suddenly begin to wilt and rot into the ground. As the trees collapse, they can see a gleaming city on the distant horizon. Although the sky above is perpetually overcast now, the city glows with a light all its own.
THANN: “That’s it! That’s it! We’ve got to get out of here! Wil…turn it off.”
The hopeful grin on Wil’s face falters slightly. His brow furrows, as if he has suddenly realized something.
WIL: “I don’t know how to stop.”
JAY: “What do you mean, you don’t know how to stop!?”
With the trees gone, the surrounding soil turned decidedly dry and sandy, and soon blew into towering dunes that surrounded the protective bubble. The sand covers them completely, and then, just as quickly, blows away. Enise cries out in alarm.
ENISE: “The city!”
The distant city is now dark. No light appears among its once-glittering spires. They watch as the towers droop and sag, crumbling into dust and blowing away. The sky is completely dark as well…not even a hint of daylight can be detected.
THANN: “NO! You’ve gone too far! We’ve got to get off.”
Like a man possessed, Thann flings himself at Wil. Wil reacts instinctively and jumps a few feet backward. As he moves away, Enise, Baboon and Meeho, who had been standing behind Thann are suddenly shoved forward and dragged across the sand.
BABOON: “The bubble can move!”
ENISE: “It follows Wil!”
The sudden discovery of mobility seems to relax the party members a great deal. They soon learn that their ten-foot diameter prison could more accurately be described as a giant hamster ball.
Ben: “Okay, so we can move. Where do we go?”
Becky: “How about that city?”
John: “How about the pyramid at Chichen Itza.”
Neal: “We can do both.”
Kevin: “I say we check out the pyramid first.”
They go walking toward the south-east, and come to the sight of the temple of Kukulcan. There is still a vaguely pyramid shaped mound of sand on the ground. The pyramid has crumbled, just like everything else in the area around them. The pyramid doesn’t hold their attention very long, however. Located to the north of the mound, is a brilliant blue source of light. They move toward it and discover a pit in the ground. Four feet down in the pit is a pulsating disk of light.
THANN: “It’s a portal.”
The debate over their next course of action is relatively short. It was in fact, the last unanimous decision they would make for the rest of the gaming session. They voted to jump into the well and see what happened.
The sensation this time is one of being sucked across a great distance. It seems to take several minutes for the trip to take place. The portal deposits them on a similarly glowing disk at the bottom of a rock basin. Wil, leading from the center of the group, walks up the gently sloping hill to the rim. The rock around them is blackened and porous…like solid volcanic rock. The horizon is visibly curved, and seems too close, betraying this world to be a small planetoid…or possibly a moon. They can clearly make out stars traveling across the sky above them. However, unlike the rotational feeling they experienced earlier, this one if more of a sensation of linear motion.
THANN: “This planet is moving.”
It is at this point that Wil suddenly has a revelation.
WIL: “Hey wait a minute. I had to open a portal to get us into this ‘place’. I wonder if I can open another one to stop us?”
With that, Wil attempts to focus his concentration. His first attempt fails. His second attempt fails as well. The third time, a black rip appears in the air in front of him. The group leaps nimbly through the portal, and land on the exact same spot. At least the rock formations appear identical…but on this side of the portal, there is a large pyramid standing over them. Oddly enough, the pyramid looks like a fully preserved replica of the temple of Kukulcan. Thann looks warily around them. He takes several deep breaths.
THANN: “We shouldn’t be able to breath here. This planetoid is too small to retain a breathable atmosphere.”
Jay suddenly cocks his head to one side and walks over the rise to the north. The others follow, and he leads them to a large humming machine.
JAY: “This is a Jes’Da force dome generator. It is creating a bubble of atmosphere over this entire site.”
ENISE: “How do you know this?”
JAY: “I just do. The Jes’Da made me. It stands to reason that I would know how their machinery works.”
THANN: “Is there any chance that we can find out where we are?”
Jay shrugs and opens a hatch on the machine. There is a small visual display device inside the compartment. After several minutes of typing on a small keypad, he pauses.
JAY: “We are on Io. One of Jupiter’s moons.”
THANN: “That can’t be. This moon isn’t orbiting any gas-giant.”
JAY: “Not anymore. According to these readings, we’ve somehow been blown out of Jupiter’s orbit.”
For the next several minutes, Thann and Jay work together to piece together this obvious Navigational puzzle.
THANN: “So according to these readings, Io passed within a planetary diameter or two of Earth.”
JAY: “So it would seem.”
THANN: “That would have ripped both planets apart!”
Thann runs another quick series of calculations. He shakes his head.
THANN: “This doesn’t make sense. Assuming Io wasn’t ripped apart by its close encounter with Earth, it should have been deflected on this path by Earth’s gravitational pull. You can see how it was following that very arc just before their brush.”
JAY: “It’s almost as if the Earth’s gravity was just ignored. Io just began traveling as if the Earth wasn’t even there.”
THANN: “But it IS there. We were just there…right?”
The debate is interrupted as Wil suddenly calls out.
WIL: “Check out the size of this machine!”
Once again, the group gathers around a large piece of DarkTek. After several minutes of prodding, they come to several conclusions. This device is one component of an extremely large mechanical portal. There is no sign of the remaining components anywhere on this planetoid. It was placed on this planet some time long after the force bubble was erected.
THANN: “This one is too wierd. I just don’t get it.”
Enise grows bored of the speculations and goes for a walk toward the pyramid. She suddenly stops short as she realizes why the ground in front of her looks so unusual. She has found a widened footpath, worn into the ground. A path for something…no, several somethings…with very big feet.
ENISE: “Hey! A lot of somethings came walking through here some time ago. They appear to have walked between that portal we came through, and the pyramid.”
THANN: “I’m getting a very not-good feeling about this.”
Now, the party enters the pyramid itself. In the center of the main chamber is a large pit in the floor. There are two large cover stones flung to one side. The pit is deep and dark. The stones that form the rim of the pit are deeply grooved…as if something very large, with extremely sharp claws, had climbed out of the pit, and shambled across the moon’s surface to the portal. To Earth.
JAY: “This must be the doorway that the aliens opened on Io. This is how the Dark Lords came to my world.”
THANN: “That must be what Sebastian meant by our fate being tied up in the final battle. We jumped out of the time-stream to come here and missed the big party. Nobody was there to stop the final invasion.”
JAY: “Then we have to go back. We have to stop them from opening this pit.”
MEEHO: “Stop who? The aliens?”
JAY: “Yeah.”
WIL: “How do we do that?”
JAY: “We go back in time, the same way we got here, and stop them from opening this doorway.”
ENISE: “Assuming we can travel back, how do we know when to stop?”
WIL: “Yeah. And even if we know when, how do we know I’ll be able to stop at the right place.”
JAY: “We’ve got to try!”
THANN: “And what if he can’t stop us in time. We could undershoot the mark, and get there too late to stop them, or we could overshoot, and come out before this force dome was even put in place. Then there wouldn’t even be air here!”
JAY: “I still say we go for it.”
THANN: “I say we go back to earth and fight that final battle.”
JAY: “But this would be easier, wouldn’t it?”
THANN: “But it’s not a sure thing! If we screw up the timing, then we still won’t be there to stop them. They’ll win by default.”
ENISE: “I agree with Thann. We go back to earth first…”
Act 4 – Forward, Into the Past ( “Okay, we do it the hard way…” )
Meanwhile, back at the Hotel Pyriamide Chichen, the Traveller players have just disappeared into Wil’s portal.
SARALYNN: “Damn it! They left us alone!”
ECCO: “Well, you were the one who couldn’t make up her mind…”
MAGGIE: “Will the two of you just shut up! Whether they’re with us or not, we still have to shut down that satellite!”
SaraLynn stopped and looked at the astronaut. Maggie was right…they had a job to do. She had one for the Talamasca, and Maggie had one for NASA…but they were both the same job.
SARALYNN: “Okay…How much longer until the radiation levels drop?”
MAGGIE: “We still have a half hour…”
The statement is interrupted by a crashing thump coming from the Hotel room next to them. It sounded like someone very large had just jumped off the bed and pushed over a dresser. Through the door, they can hear voices:
JAY: “You see! I told you he could stop on a dime! It would have worked!”
ENISE: “You can’t know that, Jay.”
JAY: “It would have worked. Damn! You’re all chicken shit bastards!”
The door to the room swings open, revealing Thann and the rest of the Traveler party. Thann steps out into the hall and faces the three women.
THANN: “Okay. We do this the hard way…”
To be continued…
This adventure originally took place on November 12, 1994.