The garden arbor and its gate would need to be rebuilt.

Becky made an offhand comment, “It’s too bad you can’t make it look like a TARDIS.”

Oh yeah? Challenge accepted!”

Categorized as Projects

Garden Box

In the fall of 2020, my electrical utility provider sent a person to my door to let me know that the garden enclosure in the backyard was too close to the electrical box, and if they were to ever need to get into the box, the enclosure would be in their way. I told him… Continue reading Garden Box

Categorized as Projects

Mike Marchi’s Dark Conspiracy

Shadows that live in corners. Shapes that rip and tear. As the veil between our world and darker realms begin to weaken, things slip through into our dimension. Dark things. The world of Dark Conspiracy is a dark, alternate future set not far from where our world sits. In my version of Dark Conspiracy, the… Continue reading Mike Marchi’s Dark Conspiracy

Categorized as Gaming

The Relation-ship

As long-time gamer and sci-fi fan, I’ve long thought about what entices me the most about this genre, and why I prefer some properties to others. -Mike

Days of Thunder

March 28, 2020 Last night, Chicago experienced one of our first thunderstorms. It was mild, as spring showers go, with only a half hour of good rumbles. Rory (pictured here as a composed figure in the right) has developed, in his advanced age, an aversion to loud noises. And as the elder role model has… Continue reading Days of Thunder

(Mega)Traveller/Dark Conspiracy Crossover

Traveller eventually gave way to MegaTraveller, and I soon had a group of players in the real world gaming on a fairly regular basis. The MegaTraveller campaign eventually reached a point where the players were on a very long mission that had degenerated into little more than deciding where to jump next, and seeing if… Continue reading (Mega)Traveller/Dark Conspiracy Crossover

Mike Marchi’s TRAVELLER

These words adorned the box of the first (some would say the only) real science fiction role-playing game. I was introduced to Traveller in the fall of 1980. I was a sophomore in high school and was riding the activity bus home after school. A small group of us rolled up quick characters, and played… Continue reading Mike Marchi’s TRAVELLER

Categorized as Gaming